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    Finding Our Home

    We waved goodbye to Nyoman, who stood nervously at the edge of a gas station watching us waiting for an opening for a crazy right hand turn into Kuta traffic mayhem. He couldn’t take it anymore and ran out into the oncoming rush and stopped cars and motorbikes while we burst out onto the street. Nyoman had rented us a fifteen year old Suzuki Katana for our stay in Bali. The car is a two door SUV that is smaller than my Scion at home. It’s right hand drive like everything here. Until I actually drove it, I kept thinking that driving on the left side of the road would be the tricky part. For me, though, it’s shifting with my left hand and signaling with my right, but down is right and up is left. Thankfully, the pedals are in the same order. It is also hard to be the passenger when the driver drives so close to the edge of the road and motorbikes whiz by on both sides in both directions. There’s a guy texting while driving a motorbike with three passengers including a toddler and a baby! There are two people on a motorbike carrying two 30-foot long pieces of PVC pipe on their shoulders driving on the wrong side of the road! There’s a dump truck that says “I love you full!” on the windshield pulling out in front of us without looking to the right! We’re getting the hang of it and it’s mostly hilarious.

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    Escape From Kootie Beach

    The Hordes on Kuta Beach

    We knew it would be this way. Melody remembered this place from her last trip. But, it’s hard to describe the sheer wrongness of Kuta Beach until you experience it. Puerto Vallarta10 gets close. It’s to the tenth power because there are some many more people, so much more crap for sale, vendors are pushing the stuff on you so much harder. It’s hotter, the streets are tiny and claustrophobic. There’s an unbelievable amount of penis paraphernalia and t-shirts that beam mantras like “Up the Bum No Babys” (misspelling intended). Oh, and did I mention that when you are walking around there is this constant nagging feeling that you are about to get hit by a motor bike? My biggest fear in our 1.5 days here has been that I would get hit by a motor bike driven by an Australian. That would make me really mad.

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    Indonesia Pre-Party

    Melody Ready To Launch

    We are about to shoulder our gliders and head to Indonesia! We’re both done with school and almost ready to go!

    We each have 60-day visas in our books and about 20 words of Bahasa Indonesia in our brains. Hopefully more Indonesian will come over the course of the trip.

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